Elgin –2014 Residential Grant Applications Available (Elgin, IL) – The city is currently accepting applications for its historic architectural rehabilitation, property improvement (substitute siding removal, exterior paint, and chain link fence removal), overhead sewer and backwater valve, and multi-family conversion residential grant programs. Hence, you can hop over this website as the reviews attest.. read more →
NENA member Medina Gross is planning a theater party for NENA members at the Elgin High School production of The Music Man on February 28. After the play, we’ll go together to Chooch’s Pizza for after theater merriment. DETAILS: Group rate for tickets to the play: $8.00 per adult; $6.00 per student Performance begins: 7:00.. read more →
Did you know that NENA’s Rope Officer, Heather Farrell, offers a 15 minute briefing on local crime and safety issues at each NENA monthly meeting? We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7 PM in the Wellness Room of the Centre of Elgin. Our next meeting is March 6th. If.. read more →
Welcome to the new NENA website! We hope you’ll easily find whatever you’re looking for here. You can find upcoming events, projects we’ve done or plan to do, see who the NENA board is currently, and much more! read more →
If you’d like to make a general donation to NENA, you can do so by clicking the link below. We thank you in advance!